"The aim of our activity is to deliver chemical materials and industrial raw materials meeting the
requirements of Clients in the global market and compliance with the principles of corporate social
responsibility. Following high ethical standards, we want to build relations based on professionalism and
trust of our clients, employees, and other involved parties”.

As part of the implemented management systems, we seek to:
  • create equal development chances for our employees,
  • apply solutions conducive to the safety of employees,
  • apply solutions conducive to the safety of the natural environment, including limiting the consumption of resources and mitigating climate change by the adopted environmental objectives,
  • implement standards of ethical conduct in order to increase the standards of the provided services and management of the Company and build partnership relations with our clients and customers, based on mutual trust and professionalism.
With regard to the above, we undertake to fulfil the requirements of the laws applicable in Poland and
the principles of corporate social responsibility adopted by the Konimpex Group, especially:
  • not to hire children and not to support suppliers violating this principle,
  • not to use and not to support forced labour,
  • to ensure safe and healthy working conditions,
  • to inform employees of the occupational risks that are involved in their work and of the protection
  • rules against them,
  • to respect the right of the freedom of employee representation,
  • to prevent employment discrimination,
  • to treat all employees with dignity and respect,
  • to activate people with disabilities by creating new jobs that allow for continuous development of their competencies, training and workshops on professional skills and cooperation in this respect with entities acting for the benefit of people with disabilities, e.g. by financially supporting the goals pursuedby these entities in this area,
  • to obey the applicable laws regarding working hours and holidays,
  • to assess environmental issues before making decisions about new investments, changing a process or introducing a new product to the market,
  • to timely pay remuneration in the amount of at least the minimum wage applicable in Poland in a given year,
  • to meet the employees’ requirements, within the possessed social means and funds,
  • to facilitate professional employee development,
  • to create favourable conditions for adaptation to proper work performance for employees taking up employment after graduation,
  • to influence the shaping of rules of social conduct at the workplace,
  • to prevent corruption and educate employees in that respect,
  • to guarantee the safety of goods flow, including fraud prevention.
The Social Responsibility Policy and appropriate procedures are documented, implemented,
maintained, and made available to all company employees and other stakeholders.
Konin, 07 July 2023

GROUP KONIMPEXKonimpex Fermintrade Merinvest Konimpex Invest